Doula Services – Pregnancy, Labor, Postpartum Packages
About the Doula | Benefits of a Labor Doula | Doula Services | Contact
Please contact me for more information about my service packages and fees.
Pregnancy and Labor Package
- Initial consultation meeting (Complimentary)
- Two prenatal meetings (One can be at a prenatal appointment to meet your caregiver.)
- Birth Plan Assistance
- ASAP telephone, text, and email support during contact hours (8am-8pm)
- 24/7 on call within 2 weeks of your estimated due date
- Around the clock Labor and Birth support once labor has begun
- Pictures of labor and birth with my camera as well as yours
- Immediate postpartum support of approximately 2-3 hours, or until the baby has nursed successfully and the family is settled
- One postpartum visit to discuss your birth, share photos, dote over your new arrival, discuss options for additional support (breastfeeding, cloth diapering, baby wearing, etc.)

Complimentary Postpartum Package
- Three months of phone and email support
- Discuss your birth as often as you need to remember all the details of the special occasion
- Share photos that I’ve taken on my camera
Attachment Parenting Support Package
- Breastfeeding support
- Cloth diapering support
- Babywearing support
I am currently unable to offer my Postpartum Service Package. Please look for me to be able to do so in the Spring of 2013.
Postpartum Service Package
- Nurture the mommy
- Newborn care assistance
- Breastfeeding support
- Cloth diapering support
- Babywearing support
- Light Housework
- Meal Preparation
- Baby Laundry
- Short errands (not to be away from mommy and new baby for more than 1 hour)
- Light Grocery Shopping (under an hour)
- Drive mommy and baby to any appointments
Wow your business is awesome. I actually found you on a giveaway link up and I read a couple of your posts and now I’m loving this blog! Not that I need it right now but for the future, I wish you were in San Diego, ca! 🙂