8 Tips to help stick to your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight
It’s really no surprise that the number one New Year’s Resolution, every year, is to lose weight.
Most of us spend the first month, or so, of the year trying to decide just how we’re going to go about losing weight, and then, by the time we finally come up with a game plan, we’ve lost the desire.
1. Make sure you’ve made that mental decision to change your life, not just lose weight.
Losing weight isn’t just about getting up and dieting. Diets fail. The only surefire way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to make sure that you’ve had that conversation in your mind to start living a completely different lifestyle. If your mind’s determination and your body’s enthusiasm are not on the same page, and you’re on the fence of doubt that you’ll succeed, you’ve failed to change your life before you even started.
2. Accountability is the key to success.
The great news, here, is that accountability doesn’t always have to come from your husband, wife, family, or close friends. In fact, oftentimes (not always), they’re the hardest people to convince to sit in your cheering section. Why? They’ve seen you fail before, time and time again, and if you think about it, YOU are the one who made a deal with yourself to change – not them. It doesn’t mean that they love you less, and do not be discouraged if they do not help right away, it just may take a bit for you to start achieving goals before they truly believe that you’re changing for the better. Find a local partner, or even an online support group, but you will need to find someone to hold you accountable. Sometimes, the deal you’ve made with yourself isn’t always enough on those days that you need someone to kick you in the rear and say “get up off that couch!”
3. Make your resolution public and set very small, public goals with rewards (incentives).
A great way to hold yourself accountable for your actions is to let the world know that you’re making a change by publicly setting small goals for yourself. Trust me, if you’re a size 22, be honest about it. NO ONE is going to laugh at you and say “OMG! You’re 275 and a size 20? HAHA!” As a matter of fact, I started out at 266, size 22, and not a SINGLE person laughed at the numbers! In reality, everyone has been so happy and supportive of my choice that it’s been a wonderful feeling. I personally would not set a weight loss goal with a timeframe. I did that, and really, it sets you up for disappointment. Roll with the punches. The best way is to keep track of your weight BUT, set a goal for a change in dress or pant size and reward yourself. Example – When you are able to fit in size 20, buy yourself a new book, or earrings, and DO NOT purchase that reward until you’ve met your goal! All about the incentives, baby! (If the goal is public, more people are going to hold you accountable – blog it, facebook it, tweet it, etc.)
4. Kick the sodas and fast foods to the curb!
You will be surprised at just how much weight you lose, when you do away with these two things. Not only are they bad for your body, but they make you feel TERRIBLE! Sodas and all soft drinks (including mixed drinks like KoolAid, sugary lemonade, fruit punch, Sunny Delight, etc.) will give you a huge sugar and/or caffeine rush, which will send your body into overdrive for a very short time. After that, you’re going to crash and burn. Fast and fried foods will make you feel heavy and lethargic. Just do away with them! Eat and drink more clean and see how you feel.
5. DRINK WATER and stay away from processed foods and ones that use the words diet, sugar free, fat free, etc.
The key to a healthier life is to drink a lot of water. The amount of water you’ll need to drink will depend on your site, just know that you need to get into the habit of drinking a lot of it. If you don’t like drinking plain water, add lemon. Do not add tea, coffee, or drink mixes to doctor your water. You will need 100% pure water to help keep you hydrated as well as cleansed. Clean eating is best, but at least try to avoid processed, refined, boxed foods, or foods that use words like diet, sugar free, fat free, less fat, etc. These foods often replace bad with worse! Yes, stay away from sugar, but don’t replace it with substitutes made in a lab! If you can’t read the ingredients, you probably don’t need it. Remember -water, lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean meat!
6. GET UP AND MOVE but don’t overdo it at first and hurt yourself!
Sure, if you’re heavier, like me, you will probably be able to start off by just changing your eating habits to drop a bit of weight, but that will eventually plateau if you’re not getting up and moving! I would suggest purchasing a pedometer to track your daily steps. It’s actually kinda fun to track them. The able human body should be getting in 10,000 steps per day, and that’s not even to lose weight! At least make sure you’re getting 10,000 steps a day, once you’re good with it, go above and beyond that! Walk at Home with Leslie Sansone is a great way to get started with
that. Also, find a workout that works for you. Start with one mile with Leslie – Easy as pie, and work your way up from there. DO NOT OVER DO IT. Injury will do you no good. Stay hydrated. (One mile is about 2,500 steps!)
7. Curb the cravings by giving in! Yep, just give in!
The worst thing you can do for yourself is to fight the cravings so hard that you can’t stand it anymore and you overdo it. If you find yourself overwhelmed with cravings for your favorite cake, candy, fatty cheese dip, etc., take a bite or two. Really, you’re body is craving the flavor or texture! Don’t eat the whole serving, just take a bite of someone else’s, and it should help rid your body and mind of the overwhelming feeling of want. If you don’t do this, you’re going to eventually break, wait until everyone is asleep, and steal a plate full… even worse, you may get TWO plates! Put a stop to that before it gets to that point!
8. Roll with the punches – gaining a little back here and there is inevitable.
One huge MUST in this life’s dance is to realized and accept that you’re probably going to gain a few pounds here and there. If you’re a woman, there are times of the month that weight gain is going to happen, no matter how we fight it. It just happens, muscle swelling, water retention, cycles, and all that jazz. Don’t get discouraged! You’re going to see fluctuations. I’d say stick to weighing yourself only once a week, and pick a specific day and time to do so. Make sure you’re measuring yourself as well – waist, chest, hips, thighs, arms. Keep a record so that you can watch your progress! You can also get the help of experts like these weight loss services in Jacksonville, FL to help achieve your desired weight. A lot of times, it’s a one step forward and two steps back situation. That doesn’t mean you’ve failed yourself! Sometimes, muscle swelling can make you think you’ve gained! You may also try treatments such as bio-stim muscle toning in Bourbonnais, IL or body contouring in Cypress, TX for faster, more visible results. Keep yourself hydrated and give it a few days! It will eventually even out, and you will not only lose weight, but you’ll lose inches and gain a whole new, better life.
Great blog post, Lisa!! Many of your tips I need to take heart and DO myself! 🙂
Will you be setting any goals this year for yourself?
thanks for all the great tips my weaknesses are sugary sweets and my lattes and coffee
Great post and a wonderful reminder. THANKS!