christmas traditions

One of the questions I’ve asked in most of my giveaways this month has been “What is your Christmas morning tradition?

Here are some answers from my readers…

RoxyChristmas morning tradition is opening up presents! LOL. I’m just like a kid. CAN’T WAIT!christmas traditions

Stacie – Christmas morning we get up, take our time opening presents and eating a yummy breakfast!

Shanda – Our Christmas morning is all about a big breakfast and a big mess! Kids rip open presents when they wake up and then we sit around the table and enjoy a big ole fattening breakfast. Not to mention, we usually all end up staying in our pj’s for the majority of the day 🙂

Stephaniewe wake up early open all the gifts then make coffee and try to get the kids to eat something besides candy for breakfast and put together toys and get batteries in them

Natasha – Our christmas tradition is spending the whole day with family opening presents and eating dinner and enjoying each other’s company. We switched it up this year and drew names so everyone would get a gift and there wasn’t any pressure for everyone to bring everyone else a gift. I can’t wait! Only 3 more days!

christmas treeTina – Our Cristmas morning tradition is: we all sleep in the living room & who ever wakes up first starts looking for a gift to rip open, which eventually wakes the rest of us up, then I have a blast watching & listening to all the the wrappers fly & rip & all the “oohhs” “ahhhs” “wows” and “I NEED BATTERIES”!! LOL

Tree – We don’t celebrate Christmas, but on the morning of Yule the kids are allowed to open their stockings. We exchange gifts when everyone is up and awake.

Erica – Our Christmas morning tradition has always been to get your stocking as soon as you wake up. You don’t have to wait for every one else to be up, and you are allowed 1 piece of candy/fruit from your stocking. After everyone else is up (you are not allowed to wake anyone), presents may be opened. I have a feeling w/ a toddler the not waking anyone else part may go by the wayside. lol

Kimberly – we wake up EARLY open presents, have breakfast, shower, and play with our toys. Then we head to my mom and dad’s for the day.