is THE place to be!

Don’t you just long for a place where you can go and chat with other moms, just like you, with no men around so you can be free to talk about anything?

CafeMom is a great place to find groups with other women who are just like you. There is a group for just about every walk of life, every lifestyle, every advocacy, every parenting type, and every support group you could possibly imagine.  I’ve been a member there for a LONG time!

Are you looking for a cloth diapering group?  Cuties with Cloth Booties is a great group with tons of involvement!  What about moms of tweens?  There is a group for Moms of Kids in Junior High/Middle School!  Sign up and take a look around!  Its a great place to explore!

If you sign up for CWCB at, tell them The Cloth Diaper Foundation sent you!