A friend of mine on one of my Facebook groups asked a great question: Do you ever look up ex-boyfriends or crushes on Facebook?  Do you contact them, or do you just snoop.

I have several exes on my Facebook friends list.  Some, aren’t. I also have some exes that I avoid like the plague!

To me, it’s not just like this with ex-boyfriends, but acquaintances I used to have as well!  Oh, come on!  You know you all do it, you just haven’t admitted it or blogged about it before!

Another friend on the same Facebook group brought up how looking, snooping, and engaging with old flings can cause SERIOUS problems, which got me to wondering just how many divorces are caused from Facebook relationships (whether it’s a new person they met or an old flame)! Couples who end up having to separate may consider working with professionals who can mediate divorce. Experienced family attorneys can help with the divorce proceedings and other family law matters.


Check out this statement from TheTechJournal:

Facebook is being cited in almost one in five of online divorce petitions, lawyers have claimed.

Basically, out of curiosity, people are looking up old flames, or they’re adding people they don’t even know to their friends list due to gaming structures or follow backs on social networks, and they’re either rekindling old flames, or they’re making new ones!

Spouses are also using places like Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks to keep tabs on their spouses when they suspect something!  Nothing on the internet is ever private!!

Moral of the Story

Sure, add your exes to your friends list if you want.  Look them up and don’t add them if you don’t want!  Snoop through their pictures.  See how they turned out.  Breathe a sigh of relief that you didn’t end up with them.  But most importantly, WALK AWAY!  Don’t harp on what might have been!  Like another friend said… There is a reason they are exes!!  Let it be.

DISCLAIMER – This does not mean that if you have exes on your friends list that you will cheat or get a divorce!  This is just a statistic I was curious about and wanted to look up!

Here’s a chart that has nothing to do with breakups DUE to social networking, but it tracks all of the breakups via the Facebook “relationship” feature: