Gift Wrapping For Geeks: 101 | Our “Key to Christmas” – We’re making a list….
We have come up with a fantastically geeky way to keep Christmas presents sorted this year! We also think it’s going to be a huge “peeking” deterrent since they’ll have no way of knowing which gift belongs to which kiddo!
Check out our system.
We’ve put all of our kiddos gifts in Google Docs. (Gifts have been blurred for several reasons, but the main one is because Kylie is sneaky and she reads my blog when she gets on the computer, because she thinks I’m going to slip and post what she’s getting!!)
Then, as we wrap each gift, we WILL NOT BE PUTTING A NAME ON THE GIFT, only the number (seen below). This way, the kids will not have a clue which present to shake or unwrap and re-tape, or even gawk at the size of the box.

Not to mention, some of the stuff that will be going to Braxton and Hawk… yeah, we haven’t quite decided who is getting what, so we can always change the numbers!
The days leading up to Christmas this year will be mysterious for the kids, and Heaven forbid the interwebz break or Google goes down on Christmas Morning when we go to pull up our “Key to Christmas” on the iPad or our Droids.
Kylie already thinks she knows a rhyme to our reason… and that the big box is hers. Sorry to disappoint, love!
This is what I did. But mine is not in google docs. Its in a locked doc on my iPhone 🙂 its been so much fun for me!