Difference Between Diaper BlowUP and BlowOUT – Why we prefer Cloth | #clothdiapers
What is it about disposable diapers that just won’t hold breastfed poop in? I just don’t get it. They have faux elastic is around the leg. The back is fitted with some sort of faux elastic. Why can’t they hold in poop?
Blowup [bloh-uhp]
diaper terminology – An explosion of poop, and lots of it.
Blowout [bloh-out]
diaper terminology – A sudden violent escape of poop. Up the back, up the stomach, down the legs, on the clothes, so on, and so forth.

Jett blows up cloth diapers several (and I mean several) times a day, but in his four months (eek.. 4?), he’s only blown OUT a couple. (I’ve spared you the photos!)
In disposable diapers, he blows them out every. single. time.
So why am I using disposable diapers, you ask? I’m glad you did. No matter how crunchy one would like to be, there are times that are out of our control when there’s just no other option to punch out on your crunchy card for a minute, regroup, and punch back in.
Today, is one of those days.
Our washing machine went out the other day in the middle of a diaper load. I didn’t know that the machine actually wasn’t’ spinning, at the time, so I took the diapers out of the washer and put them in the dryer like I always do.
Fast forward to yesterday. I noticed little man’s bottom was red. Really red. Not break the skin red, but too red for my comfort zone. I thought that he was possibly having a bad day from being out all day, but no, his tushy hurt!
Soooo…. while I have his diapers soaking in the tub to do a handwash on them later, Andy went out before work this morning and bought a pack of sposies. He’s worn three so far this morning, and he has blow OUT all three of them.
Blow Out (in diaper terminology) means that poops is EVERYWHERE. Up his back, up his stomach, down his legs, in his clothes, on my leg…. yeah, nice huh?
So, to make sure this doesn’t happen again, today, it’s going to be a prefolds and flat folds (aka receiving blankets) and gusseted cover or well elasticized wool cover kinda day.
Sorry about your diaper/washer troubles but oh my goodness I just want to squish him…He’s so cute!
Oooh! I remember those days. There wasn’t a single brand of disposable that would keep the Pink Princess contained. Disassembling the carseat to clean poo off the straps was probably the worst. Not to mention everything else that had to be cleaned. I think I may have cried while sitting on the tile floor wiping “stuff” out of every nook and cranny. Lesson learned…stick with the cloth and have enough emergency prefolds and covers on hand to get you through a day or two.
I hope your washer is fixed soon. He’s just adorable!
Eek. Get that washer fixed.
Funny you wrote this, we had 2 blow ups today already. Ugh.
Ewwww! I remember those days! some things you never forget. Hope you get the washer fixed soon, and I agree, he is soooo adorable!
Poop stinks, but it’s even worse without a washer. Hope yours gets fixed soon.