Natural and Homeopathic Teething Pain Relief for Babies | Natural Teething Remedies
Jett just turned four months old. Hawk cut his first tooth at exactly 5 months, so we know it’s just around the corner.
There are many natural and homeopathic pain relief options for teething without grabbing for the baby orajel or Tylenol!

Amber Teething Necklace
The misconception behind teething necklaces is that they aren’t for chewing on or cutting teeth. Amber is actually fossilized tree resin that contains succinic acid. Against the warmth of your baby’s skin, the succinic acid is released from the amber, and soothes your baby’s pain. (They are also great for adults with pain as well.)
Frozen Wash Cloth
My little ones have always done well with frozen wash clothes while teething. All you do is wet a wash cloth, teether blanket, or something that will hold moisture, stick it in the freezer until frozen, and let your baby have at it. The cold against their gums feels great, and it’s not a choking hazard!
Frozen Fruits and Veggies or Breastmilk
If your baby is breastfed, try expressing breastmilk and freezing it in ice cube trays. Once frozen, please it inside of a cloth (secured with a knot or rubberband) or mesh teether. If your child is old enough for solids, and you’ve already introduced him/her to certain fruits or veggies, this is a good way to help with teething. You can put them in a mesh teether, and let them gnaw on them. This is not only great for achey gums, but it’s great nutrition as well. (I don’t recommend freezing teethers with and kind of liquid in them as they can break and cause choking or chemical hazard problems.
If you have a nursling, it may be that he/she just wants to nurse. Nursing your baby releases endorphins which helps with relaxation and pain. Plus, a little extra one on one time with mommy never hurts.
Clove Oil
Not everyone recommends this, but it’s better than taking the “whiskey” route that our parents and grandparents took. I use coconut, almond, or olive oil, and I either drop clove oil (very diluted) into the carrier oils or I actually take whole cloves and heat up the oil and let it sit to make my own clove oil. Remember, if you use straight clove oil or too high of a concentration of clove oil, you can burn your baby’s gums. Please use this with caution.
Wooden or BPA Free Teethers
Wooden or BPA Free teethers are great for the little one. Any type of pressure on your baby’s gums is going to help with temporary pain relief. You can always bust out the handy, dandy, wooden spoon!
Homeopathic Teething Tablets
When Braxton was teething, we used Hylands Teething Tablets, and they worked fantastic for him. There are different types of teething tablets on the market, but they’re worth a try to give your little one some relief!
Your Finger
Another great, natural way to ease your baby’s teething pain is to either massage his/her gums or let your baby gnaw on your clean fingers. The pressure and warmth of your fingers against your baby’s sore gums is great for temporary pain relief.
Of course, these aren’t the own natural teething remedies out there, but all you need is a little creativity to get your little one through this painful milestone!
We did the frozen washcloth around here, but that was years ago. Thanks for sharing!
Oh how I wish I had known about these when my kids were babies! We were very limited at the time…
My fingers was my oldests favourite when he was teething. Already baby is trying to chomp on my finger and we haven’t hit teething yet.