I have a confession to make.  Until last month, I hadn’t been to the dentist in about 13-14 years.  Yeah, I know.  Terrible, huh?  The good thing is, that I only had 3 cavities in that entire time, and the porcelain crown that I had put on TWENTY years ago was still in there good and snug with no issues.  I might be doing something right!  That’s why I’m very excited for my family to be participating in the LISTERINE partnership with Oral Health America and jumping into the LISTERINE 21 Day Challenge!

The LISTERINE 21 Day Challenge is totally simple!

Rinse with any Listerine therapeutic mouth wash twice a day for 30 seconds for 21 days.

That’s it!  This will help you form a healthy oral health habit that you will carry with you from here on out AND when you sign up, LISTERINE will contribute to help Oral Health America’s Smiles Across America program toward their goal of connecting kiddos with oral health care services like the one from this local company!

What’s the benefit?  You clean pretty much 100% of your mouth, and in 2 weeks, your gums will be 5 times healthier and in 4 weeks, 9 times healthier! OR YOUR MONEY BACK (limited time offer details).

Listerine 21 Day Challenge

I also have to admit that using mouthwash has not been a part of my daily routine, and I’m just finding out that it really should have been. Did you know that if you just brush your teeth, you miss 75% of your mouth?  It’s not just your teeth that need to be clean!

My experience with LISTERINE ULTRACLEAN!

I’ve just started using LISTERINE ULTRACLEAN mouth wash twice a day, (even before I put in my new mouth guard at night), and I must say that this is taking some getting used to.  It’s recommended that you swish for at least 30 seconds to get your mouth clean.  Right now, I’m at about 10-15 seconds, because, as you know, LISTERINE doesn’t play, and it takes quite a bit of getting used to!

I’ve noticed that not only does my mouth feel more clean when I go to bed, but I also do not feel like I have gross gunk in my mouth and mouth guard when I wake up in the morning.  Before I got the products, I could definitely tell that I wasn’t cleaning my mouth properly.

Your mouth contains billions of germs – more so than there are people on earth!

Kinda gross huh?  Here are a few oral care tips for adults:

Visit your dentist twice a year to maintain good oral health.  A dentistry specialist will be able to treat problems early so that you don’t run into pain and a HUGE expense later on down the road. Your dentist may also recommend services like getting dental implants or invisalign braces to improve your smile and overall oral health.

Practice your technique.  Like anything in life, practice may not make perfect, but the more you brush and floss, the better your oral health will be.  If you can’t figure it out, don’t be embarrassed to ask someone at your dental office.  They’re not going to laugh at you.  They are there to help.

Beware of biofilm!  ?What the heck is biofilm?” OOOOOOOOh…  they mean sweaters on your teeth!  That icky, nasty feeling you have in the morning when you wake up from bacteria sticking together and multiplying in your mouth? That’s plaque biofilm.  It’s thick and so much harder to kill than just bacteria, and can lead to the no-so-cool “g” word.  Gingivitis.  Brush, floss, and RINSE twice daily!

Choose tools that are right for you.  You wouldn’t show up to your job as hair dresser with a hammer and nails.  The same goes for your mouth.  Talk with your dentist about what toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouth wash you need.  Like me.  I’m using a prescription toothpaste for gum sensitivity!

Keep it in site.  THIS HELPS. Trust me.  If you keep your LISTERINE mouthwash in sight, and handy (but out of reach of the kidlets), you’ll totally remember to rinse twice a day.

Give it time.  This isn’t the first time I’ve heard that it takes 21 days (or times) to form a habit.  Give it three weeks (21 days) to form your healthy oral care routine.

42% of kiddos have tooth decay by 11 years old!

Listerine 21 day challengeHere are some oral care tips for kiddos:

  • Go back to the basics – teach them the fundamentals of good oral hygiene.
  • Show, don’t tell – of course, they can SAY they brushed their teeth and flossed.  Actually have them show you.
  • Make oral care fun – make funny flossing faces, rinse as a family and see who can last the longest, etc.
  • Reward healthy behavior – you do it for potty training with the little star stickers.. why not oral health?!
  • Clean to the beat – using a 60 second tune or song can help kiddos brush, floss, and rinse for the appropriate time frame.
  • Let kids decide – have them choose their own dental tools.  My boys have actual light up lightsaber toothbrushes that stay lit for 60 seconds.
  • Recruit others – like older siblings to encourage proper hygeine.
  • Embrace the power of a smile – smiles are contagious and are a sign of confidence!

There are 800 different bacterial species living inside your mouth.


Did you know:

According to Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 130 million Americans lack dental insurance, which includes more than 15.4 million kiddos which is what quite possibly leads to the Surgeon General report that says 51 million school hours and 164 million work hours lost each year due to dental disease.

Sign up for the LISTERINE 21 Day Challenge and we can do this together!

Disclosure:  I received products from Johnson & Jonson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. and The Motherhood as part of my participation in the LISTERINE 21 Day Challenge.  All opinins are my own.