I read a few posts, on Facebook and in my news apps, that Punxsutawney Phil was being indicted for lying about Spring being right around the corner!  Not too long after that, I saw a meme that said something along the lines of “Spring needs to man up and show Winter who’s boss!”


It’s April, and Winter is still trying to hang around, even in the south.  We’ve had crazy cool temperatures here, the past couple of days, and although I like it, I’m kinda ready for Spring to move in.  Never, would we have thought, that we’d have to wear warm clothes in April, Kylie and I had to go shopping for girls winter jackets just for the track meets!  This is more like football weather!

winter jackets for girlsHer first track meet, we had no idea it was going to be as cold and windy as it was.   My mom had one of my dad’s nice leather coats in her car that she put over her hoodie, and I had nothing but a zip up sweatshirt.  I had to use one of Kylie’s track hoodies (too small, of course) on my head, and I wrapped the arms around my face like a scarf.  We were quite a silly looking pair!  It was so cold, that in between her races, mom and I went and warmed up in the car.  Yes, it was cheating, but we’re getting too old for that!

Go ahead and laugh, but you know you’ve been there!  –>

From that point on, we’ve made sure that our cars are stocked up with hoodies, jackets, gloves, umbrellas, and blankets!  My favorite are Sweatshirt Blankets!  They are perfect for track meets and baseball games.  I also want to share with you these custom line and satin bomber jackets that I recently found in an online shop. I’m thinking about getting one with my blog logo on it.