Flat Cloth Diapers – Fast, Easy, Cheap | #flatschallenge2013 #frugal #clothdiapers
Are you ready for the 3rd Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge May 20-26? I am. I’m so excited that I use flats even when there isn’t a challenge!
If you don’t have any flats, now is a good time to go ahead and order some so that you can have them shipped, delivered, prepped, and ready by Monday, May 20!

When is the last time you bought a cloth diaper for $1.58?
OsoCozy Unbleached Birdseye Flat Diapers (dozen) – $18.95 prime
OsoCozy Birdseye Flat Cloth Diapers – 27×27 inches (dozen) – $18.95 prime
If you don’t have a clothes line, here’s a great drying rack!
Moerman 88354 Laundry Solutions Over Bath Airer Indoor/Outdoor Folding Clothes Drying Rack 30 Feet Of Drying Space – $22.99 prime.
I’ve heard that IKEA has some awesome flats and a pretty good drying rack as well!