Jack The Giant Slayer Movie Giveaway | #giveaway #JackTheGiantSlayer
We’re pretty excited to see Jack The Giant Slayer! I love movies that put a spin on our old favorites!

Directed by Brian Singer (X-Men, Superman Returns) Starring: Nicholas Hoult (About a Boy), Ewan McGregor (Star Wars, Moulin Rouge!), and Stanley Tucci (The Lovely Bones).
Take the quiz on the app below, and find out how brave you are!
• Control the Action! – Move your mouse across the GIFS and take control of action-packed scenes from Jack the Giant Slayer. YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF THE ACTION!
• How Brave Are You? QUIZ – Are you brave like Jack? Do beanstalks and “giant” challenges make you afraid or courageous? Take the quiz to find out!
• Giant Soundboard – Jack the Giant Slayer is filled with epic giant stomps, sword slashes and thunderous sounds! Play with official sound effects from the movie and compose your own “giant hit song”!
I am a courageous warrior.
I did not take the test…family dinner first
I’m a Courageous Warrior!
I’m a courageous warrior
I am a Courageous Warrior!
I like the giant throwing the flaming tree
Looks awesome!
I’m a courageous warrior!
I’m a lion hearted knight
Lion-Hearted Knight
I am A Courageous Warrior! (Yes)
I really like their sound board for this, it’s neat!
I’m a courageous warrior.
I like the waterfall GIF.
COurageous Warrior
courageous warrior
Courageous Warrior
I am a lion hearted knight!
According to the quiz, I’m a Courageous Warrior 🙂
Awesome contest!
Count me in. Good luck everyone 🙂
I am a Courageous Warrior
My favorite GIF is the giant’s eye.
I’m a lion hearted knight.
courageous warrior.
I like the falling giant .GIF best.
I’m a lion hearted knight
I am a courageous warrior!
I am a courageous warrior!!!
couragious warrior
I am a courageous warrior.
Courageous Warrior, I have no idea why though! lol Some of the questions just weren’t me, but I had to choose one, haha.
I am a courageous warrior!
I’m a courageous warrior
I’m a courageous warrior!
courageous warrior
I’m a courageous warrior!
I am a courageous warrior.
I’m a Courageous Warrior!
Courageous Warrior
annabella @ centurytel dot net
lion hearted knight
I am a courageous warrior
I am a Courageous Warrior!
Lion-hearted knight.
courageous warrior.
I’m a courageous warrior!
I am a courageous warrior
I am a lion hearted knight
I am a Lion Hearted Knight! Sweet.
It says I am a courageous warrior.
i got courageous warrior.
i like the falling giant gif
I am a Courageous Warrior, so I am told.
Courageous Warrior!
Courageous Warrior
I liked the waterfall!
I got the Courageous Warrior!
courageous warrior
I am a courageous warrior!!
I’m a courageous warrior!
I got the Courageous Warrior!
I’m a Courageous Warrior
I like the waterfall GIF.
I am a Courageous Warrior.
My favorite gif is the Giant’s hand.
lion hearted knight
I am a Courageous Warrior.
I like the giant falling from the beanstalk.
Courageous Warrior
courageous warrior
Courageous Warrior!
I like dthe water fall GIF
Lion Hearted Knight
I am a Courageous Warrior!
I’m a courageous warrior
i am a lion hearted knight
I’m a Courageous Warrior!
I’m a courageous warrior
Courageous Warrior.