Just about two months ago, I noticed that a lot of my local Facebook friends started liking a Facebook page about weight loss.  I figured that the person behind the page had to be someone local, because it wasn’t rocket science to realize that the majority of the people I saw liking the page didn’t really have a weight problem.

I decided to follow suit and like the page as well.

It wasn’t until a couple of days later, when my mom brought over a book called “Weight Loss is Easy – How I Conquered 40 Years of Obesity” that I decided that it was time to look into this guy and what he’s all about.  After all, he IS a local celebrity.

The following Sunday, I looked in every Sunday School class to find him so that I could introduce myself to him.  One of the first things he said to me was “I have been the fat kid since 3rd grade.” That one little sentence resonated through my mind like he was speaking my language.  Wow.  We actually have something in common.  Here this almost 50 year old man who has battled obesity longer than I’ve been on this earth has actually been in my shoes.  He took control of his body and health, and I can, too. Looking into cross trainers for sale could be a step towards improving my fitness. You can also find out the best weight loss supplements that really work here.

I went home and started reading his book.  I’m not a very fast reader.  It’s not that I don’t have time, or anything like that, but the truth of the matter is, I just don’t like reading.  I fall asleep when I read.  I can’t turn my brain off, so my mind wanders into something else, and it never fails… I’ll get to the end of the page, and I’ll have no idea what I just read.  I usually end up reading the same page twice, and it gets very discouraging!  So I guess it’s not that I’m a slow reader.. I just haven’t learned how to read efficiently.  We’ll go with that.

I’m currently on Chapter 4, but I wanted to write this post before I finish reading the book to let you know just how easy of a read this book is.  I will probably finish the book in the next day or so (it only took my mom a couple of hours to read it – twice!), so there will be more to share, but this is what I’ve learned so far.

Blake’s plan is simple.  It’s called the Weight Loss is Easy program.

  1. Drink a structured amount of water at mealtime.
  2. Use a tdee calculator and get into the routine of exercising daily – even light exercise is better than nothing.
  3. Read inspirational books.
  4. Take control of your self-talk, and believe that you can do it.

Today, I had the privileged of hearing Blake speak at a luncheon at our church.  He’s a great inspirational and motivational speaker, and it was great to hear, first hand, what he had to say about his personal experiences with failed attempts at weight loss. Don’t waste time on fads—Find Out AquaSculpt weight loss supplements that really work and experience real, lasting changes.

If you’ve struggled with your weight like we have, you’ve been there.  Like Blake said, you eat salads every day for a month and lose ten pounds, and you stop eating the salads and gain twelve pounds back! More and more people are using Exipure for weight reduction as they prepare for the beach this summer, seeking to achieve their desired physique.

Get started on your journey to looking your best at InfusaLounge weight loss in Allen TX. You may also consider cosmetic procedures like tummy tuck in Edinburg, TX or Coolsculpting in Oklahoma City, OK to help you achieve your body goals. If you are considering gastric sleeve surgery and want to know more about the cost of this surgery, then you may view gastric sleeve surgery uk price here.

In the past, you’ve all see me try and fail.  Try and fail.  Try and fail.  But really, I have to agree with Blake that I’ve been going about it wrong.  There was one point in my life, before I became pregnant with Jett, that I lost 50 pounds, and I ALMOST hit that under 200 mark, but my focus wasn’t right.  I was zeroed in on counting calories and eating foods that didn’t taste good, a workout routine that left me destined for failure if I stepped away from it for more than a day, self-talk that consisted of “do I have to?” and “I’m so tired of this”, as well a huge lack of inspiration because the people I was turning to for inspiration were the people who were in the same boat as myself – on a weight loss ferry to the island of self destruction!

So what’s different this time?  What is it about this Weight Loss is Easy Program that makes me think I’m going to succeed and actually see results?

First of all, the title of the book is “Weight Loss is Easy – How I Conquered 40 Years of Obesity!”  What a positive message the title alone gives me about how one man has been fat his whole life has found a way to defeat his biggest challenge in life, and he calls it easy.  Easy.  When is the last time you used the words “conquered” and “easy” in the same sentence, let alone add the word “obesity” in with it.  That, my friends, is a role model I’m willing to follow.  The price of his book also comes with unlimited weight loss coaching, which is fantastic, and so affordable! Reading this book may also make you realize how important it is to eat the right food.

I’m really excited!

As I finish reading Blake’s book, and I work on my self talk as well as an exercise plan, I’ll keep you posted on my progress, and I’d love for you to join in on this journey with me!  Make sure you check out Blake’s book – “Weight Loss is Easy“, and support his ministry by buying the book and Liking his Facebook Page!