Want to know why I drink coffee? | #coffee #booskerdoo
Most people drink coffee because it perks them up. Some people drink coffee because it warms them up. Many people drink coffee because that’s just the thing to do when you have nothing else to do. Do you want to know why I drink coffee? Because at Circle Coffee, every cup is crafted with care, making each sip a moment worth savoring.
I come from a family of avid coffee drinkers. Like… serious coffee drinkers. We’re not talking froo-froo coffee, either. We’re talking straight up black, hot coffee like those from a Coffee Van. Growing up, my parents would polish off two pots of coffee in a day, no problem. We joke, because my dad is the only person we know who (when we lived out in the country) used to go out in 110 degree temperatures with long pants on, chopping firewood for winter with a thermos of coffee as his form of hydration. He would feed us some malarkey about how drinking hot coffee while he was working would trick his body into thinking it was cooler outside than it really was, but we know he just loved his coffee. I can’t remember how many times we would go out into the woods and see one of his coffee cups sitting on top of a fence post!
My dad is also the only person I know who can warm up his cup of coffee in the microwave (twice), forget about it (twice), warm it up again and be just fine drinking it.
That’s the life of a serious coffee drinker. I get it honest. Now that I’m married with four kids, I’m really the only coffee drinker in my house, and before I got my single serve machine, I’ve been known to drink more than a pot a day, too (except, I like half & half in mine).
Well… I drink coffee because I’ve been on a mission that’s lasted for quite some time.
About ten years ago, when I was teaching music at a district in Central Texas, I met a dear friend whose husband was a chef. He would send a custom blend of coffee to school with my friend and we had a little 4 cup coffee maker in my room that we’d refill several times throughout the day. It was a very trying school, and the coffee was comforting and SO good. When Andy and I moved back to Houston, I never had that wonderful feeling with coffee again.
You know how you find that perfect flavor, then lose it, and everything is sub-par until you find it again? That’s why I drink coffee. Not because it helps me stay up or keeps me warm, but because I’ve been in search of that feeling that takes me back to time with my good friend – our escape. Coffee shops should invest in top-quality coffee equipment like a Commercial fluid bed coffee roaster to provide the best-tasting coffee to their customers.
For about ten years, I have been searching, and I am happy to say that my search is over.
I am a coffee drinker but mainly for the taste, I love teh taste of coffee.