Winter might gone, but wet weather is still lurking in some states. And with all the rain comes the risk of your family contracting a spring bug that no one wants to have around. If you’re unlucky enough to catch something, here are a few tips to get rid of and prevent illnesses.

Battling Spring Colds | #spring #naturalremedies

Drink herbal tea– I know coffee drinkers might be aghast at this idea, personally I’d much rather have a good old latte, but in times of sickness definitely turn to tea. Blends like peppermint, lemon, and chamomile greatly help to boost your immune system and kick the sickness to the curb.
Eat chicken soup– This is a cliche I know, but hot chicken soup helps to reduce the amount of mucus and congestion that your body produces. And if you add some fresh garlic, it’ll do some serious damage to whatever bug you have.
Wash your hands– Continuously washing your hands after work and school, and using hand sanitizer throughout the day until the weather finally warms up helps to reduce the risk of catching something.
Drink plenty of water– Drinking water isn’t just beneficial for weight loss. Your body needs plenty of fluids whether or not you’re sick, and while you’re sick water helps to keep flu like systems away. Doctors recommend drinking eight or more glasses a day.
Get plenty of rest– One of the biggest factors in coming down with a cold is not getting enough sleep. For some of us sleep isn’t an option with our crazy schedules, but do make sure the kiddos are getting plenty of rest so their growing immune systems stay healthy and strong.
What are your tips for battling spring colds and keeping them away from your household?