For the past few days, I’ve been seeing an article passed around Facebook called “The Minimalist Game”.  I kept scrolling past it, because minimizing, to me, just seems too daunting when you have accumulated as much junk as I have with three boys, a geek husband, and…. well, a teen girl.

One of my friends posted a link to a group for people who want to play the game, so I joined in.  It’s actually pretty cool.

Join the Facebook Group and play along! BTK minimalist game

Minimalist Game - Day One - Join us, and play along! #minimalistgame

The rules of The Minimialist Game are simple.

  • June 1 – Get rid of one thing.
  • June 2 – Get ride of two things.
  • June 3 – Get rid of three things.
  • June 4 – Get rid of four things.
  • June 5 – Get rid of five things.
  • June 6 – Get rid of six things
  • And so on, and so forth.
  • Everything has to be out of your home and out of your life by midnight of that night.

You can check out the article (which is very short) for more information, but this is basically it.

I decided to play along as well as start a group for my friends and followers who would like to play along!

So far, Here is a picture of my Day 1.

Day One – One box of clothes to donate.

Minimalist Game - Day One - Join us, and play along! #minimalistgame

I have so much junk that I can start getting rid of stuff by the BOXES rather than by the item, and I’ll still have junk to give away when the month is over! Haha! I might even find some stuff that could be sold, maybe even at a pawn shop near me, and make a little extra cash in the process.

I’m not really good at “following the rules”, so this box hasn’t actually left my house left, but it WILL!  I need to take it down to the donation center.

Stay tuned for the rest of the month, and feel free to join us and play along!  I have a Facebook Group ~ BTK – minimalist game that I’d love for you to join and follow along!  Feel free to share what you’re getting rid of and post pics!