Water parks are a fun activity for any summer afternoon or weekend, but with the combination of small children and water, there are a few safety tips that you should have under your belt before heading out.

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Always pay attention to your kidlets- This is a no brainer for any parent during any situation, but it’s especially important around water. Accidents are less likely to happen when you have a constant eye on your children. On a similar note, make sure they know to never swim alone.

Recognize the signs of drowning- Unlike the movies, drowning won’t be obvious. Your child won’t be flailing around screaming, if anything they’ll be listless with glassy eyes and their head tilted back. If your normally rambunctious child is suddenly calm and not splashing around, you may just have a problem on your hands.

Bring proper gear- Let’s face it, when you’re going somewhere with kids, you’re going to forget at least one essential item. The night before your day out, pack proper snacks, sunscreen, towels, water shoes, and water diapers for baby in a large tote back. This way when the toddler and the dog scatter the garbage can all over your living room in the morning, you won’t forget the sunscreen.

Follow the restrictions- Water park guidelines are there for a reason, and no matter how much your ten year old begs to go on the rides meant for kids twelve and up, think again before caving.  Follow all of the water park age and height restrictions for a safe, fun time!

Most of all, remember to make memories with your kiddos before school starts up again this fall!