Whoever said that the baby of the family will be a breeze because you’ve “been there done that” already —– was absolutely crazy.

My two year old likes to color… on important things. | #parenting


I’m just going to say it.  I’m ready for my two year old to go ahead and skip three, four, five, and be six years old already!

Man, I feel much better saying that. This is no joke!

Kiddo number one is a girl.  As an only child, she was fairly easy.  It wasn’t until we started adding siblings that she starting being a problem, but her toddler years were pretty much without incident.  The teen years, however… let’s just say… I’m glad she’s the only girl! 🙂

Kiddo number two had a little spurt in there between three and four that he had some anger issues, but after that, he was pretty much silent, and now if you put an xbox controller in his hand, you won’t even know he’s there.

As a toddler, kiddo number three was fun, because he kept us entertained.  Now, he’s pretty much little boy genius, so even homework at night is easy with him.

That brings us to the last, but definitely not least, kiddo number four.  Gosh, I love this kid, but let me tell you.  I never, in a million and three years, would have guessed that we would have a little piece of work on our hands!

I thought that he’d be the easiest of all, because he’d have his sister and brothers to mimic and follow around.  Except, yeah, he’s not really interested in any of that.

Don’t get me wrong.  He’s can be a LOT of fun… and cute… and sweet…..  But when he’s NOT sleeping…

He’s independent yet needy.

My two year old likes to color… on important things. | #parentingHe’s funny yet nerve-wracking.

He’s tired but not sleepy.

He says Mickey Mouse but wants Toy Story.

He says orange but wants blue.

He says nuggets but wants a hamburger.

He’s into everything.

He wants to sit on the potty but goes in his diaper first.

He loves to rearrange my wallet… permanently.

He breaks everything – old and new.

He’s very, very sneaky.

He likes to climb.

He likes to color… on important things.

He wants any phone he can get his hands on.

My two year old likes to color… on important things. | #parentingHe’s Houdini.

He’s great at sneaking outside.

He love his sister’s makeup.

And her jewelry.

And her perfume.

And her lotion.

And the contents of her backpack.

And everything on her night stand.

He’s good at unfolding clothes.

He eats us out of house and home.

He likes to stand on the back of the couch.

He likes Gangnam Style on repeat.

He’s destructive.

He thinks he’s a zombie.

Or eight years old.

I’m patiently waiting for a spot to open up in one of the local daycares so that I can get a few hours of work done each day, and he can destroy THEIR stuff!  I love this kid, but man… he’s definitely a ring-tailed tooter!

If you’d like to see more of his shenanigans, check out my Summer Mornings for Moms Confession post.

Disclaimer:  It took me three days to write this post due to macaroni smashed in the couch, legos that won’t build themselves, and a few T-Rex in the backyard.