Dear Netflix,

I would like to thank you for saving our Thanksgiving.  No really, you saved our Thanksgiving.

So what does a smoker, a cooler, and Netflix have in common? Let me explain.

This year, the hubs and I decided that we were going to smoke two turkeys for Thanksgiving – one for our actual Thanksgiving meal, and one to freeze and eat later.  Because smoking meat is literally an all day process, we decided to go ahead and do them at the same time, and then he decided that he would go ahead a smoke a brisket while he was at it.



Here’s where the problem started.  He took off Thanksgiving Eve so that he could fire up the smoker and spend the day out there rather than pulling an all nighter (like a friend our ours!). The problem was, we slept a little late and ended up not going over to my parents’ property to grab firewood until about 9am.  We didn’t get back until about 10am which put him pretty late starting the meat.

littlemanHe put turkey #1 and the briket on at the same time.  Turkey #1 was finished (and beautiful) at around 4:30pm, and he put turkey #2 on at about 4:45pm.  It. Took. Forever.

The Minion was getting cold and tired, and right after I snapped this pic, he fell asleep.  I knew he needed a bath, so I took him in and bathed him in the sink.

After I got him dressed for bed, I jumped in the shower, and when I got out, he was out like a light.  Meanwhile, the hubs was getting tired himself, but he still had at least another hour or two on the turkey and brisket, THEN, he had to let them rest before slicing and putting them up for the big day.

At about 12:00am, Thanksgiving morning, he did what any man would do while waiting on the Thanksgiving turkey to rest before slicing. He watched and episode of his new little obsession,  a Netflix Original, Marvel’s Jessica Jones.  Without this series, he would have decided not to let the turkey and brisket rest, and he would have just thrown them in the fridge rendering them dry and almost not fit to eat!

So again I ask… What does a smoker, a cooler, and Netflix have in common?  They are all three vital tools to pull off the PERFECT Thanksgiving dinner, and the  Johnston Gaggle thanks you for saving Thanksgiving.