Join threadUP’s new Book Swap for Kids! First Box FREE!
The thredUP community - where moms swap kids clothes and toys. The service is free to join and boxes of preloved clothes and toys costs just $5 plus shipping. Because we know you will love thredUP we're giving new members a special, one-time offer of your first box on us (FREE! - you pay only $ shipping) if you sign up today. Homeschool families, do you have a summer book club for your kiddos? Join thredUp's book swap for summer reading! (Once you get to the thredUP site, click on the thredUP logo at the top of the page, and…
EnDANGERbles Music CD and Plush Pals Review
This giveaway has ended Did you know that Macaws are the worlds largest parrots? They often fly in pairs over forests and woodlands while on the hunt for seeds on the trees below! YES! You're right. Blu and Jewel from the awesome new movie Rio are both Macaws! They are also an endangered species. Now, you can teach your kiddos all about endangered animals the fun why be signing them up as Official Deputy EnDANGERbles! You'll find fun activities on the site as well. GREAT for Homeschool Families! (more…)
30 Days of Mom-to-Be: Day 7 – 50 % off! Disney’s Soft Shoes FREE SHIP
Check out these adorable crib shoes by Adidas straight from the Hundred Acre Wood!! Choose from Piglet, Winnie the Pooh, or Tigger! I can't think of much more (besides baby being here!) that would bring a smile to my face. I wish they had OWL! I can't decide which ones I would like. They are all so adorable! ACK!! Decisions! (more…)
30 Days of Mom-to-Be: Day 6 – Rebozo (Mexican Shawl) for Labor
As you've probably noticed by now, I tend to march to the beat of my own drum compared to the rest of my family. I am a labor doula, and it's just in my nature to be a natural birth advocate. One of the greatest tools I've had the privilege of utilizing during birth has been the Rebozo Wrap, also known as a traditional Mexican Shawl. However, any shawl or length of fabric will work! The Rebozo is extremely versatile during pregnancy, labor, birth, as well as postpartum! (more…)
Our router is fried! Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Last night, in the middle of Andy playing Black Ops and me watching Army Wives, our router just up and died! Not only did it smell funny ( fried), but the lights were off and it never turned back on. After a couple of hours of Andy trying out a new one (that didn't work how he wanted) and me falling asleep while baby Vulture rolled and kicked and punched my insides black and he gave up. One computer in the house has internet, and it's not mine. So that means no blogging today, and no Army Wives! We should…
Get Gaga for $0.99 TODAY! Born This Way
If you can't have free, the next best thing is $! If you're into Lady Gaga, now's your chance to get in on her new album for dirt cheap! Born This Way was released on May 23, 2011, and it's hot, hot, hot on Amazon right now! It's so hot that you may want to be patient with the downloads! Rest assured that you're not the only person jumping at this offer, right now, so just imagine hundreds of thousands of people trying to get through one door at a It may take a while! :) Born This Way - Lady Gaga…
Want FREE stuff? Sign up for Swagbucks today! HURRY!
If you haven't yet signed up for Swagbucks, today is the day to do so! Why today? When you sign up for Swagbucks on any day, including today, you automatically receive 30 Swagbucks to your account. If you sign up today (and tomorrow) and enter the Swag Code MEMORIALDAY (on the right side of the home page) you'll receive an additional 50 Swagbucks. This year, I'm hoping to have all of my kiddos Christmas gifts paid for by cashing in my Swag Bucks for Amazon Gift Cards! (more…)
Appalled by the Casey Anthony Defense: Tacky Opening Accusations
Can you believe that it's been almost THREE years since the sweet little two year old, Caylee Anthony was murdered? Have you been following this tragic story? Only now, the sweet baby's 9 month incubator (which is the nicest thing I can say about Casey Anthony right now) is once again trying to place blame for this baby girl's death. According to CNN and other news sources, she's blaming her FATHER, George Anthony for a long string of, what I believe are, total lies. (more…)
If they had either of these in green… they would SO be mine!
Or maybe in black! I love this clock! It's made by Umbra, and it's 50% off at Zulily today! Ok so what about this dress! I'm not a huge fan of pink, but I know a lot of women are. If this one was in green (not the olive color they have on the site, but green-green), it would be mine! Not a bad price at ALL! Sign up for Zulily today! It's a free, members only deal site for moms and kiddos. You'll get daily emails with great deals on everything from mom's beachwear to cute little baby socks!…
And the baby is a……
Yay!!! We found out (more…)