Cheap & Simple Halloween Decorations | $3 for a Spooky Front Door

It really doesn't take much to please my boys! Give them a game to play (usually with zombies) and they're good! Yesterday, when they got home from school, they found this on the door and they LOVED it. It only cost me $3 and I had enough Zombie Crossing tape to put on their door in their room (of course!), across the entry to the living room, and I still have some left over.  I got it all at Dollar Tree. Polyfoam Beware of Zombies Sign - $1 Mummy Door Knocker - $1 30 ft. Zombie Crossing Tape - $1…
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Sophie la girafe Book Series Debut! Review & #Giveaway (10/2)

When Jett was born, we decided that his favorite animal was going to be a giraffe!  I loved all of the giraffe things that were out, and it became the theme for him.  All of his shirts, toys, cloth diapers, blankets, etc., that we found had giraffes on them. At about 2 months old, one of our friends gave him a Sophie the Giraffe teether.  I really didn't see the big deal about this toy until it actually arrived.  It quickly became Jett's favorite toy as well as mine.  Sophie is so soft, and it's just a great teething toy…
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Flip Hybrid Cloth Diaper System Review | #flipdiapers #clothdiapers

I teach a cloth diapering basics class, and one of the most commonly asked questions is "What is your favorite type of diaper?"   Without hesitation, I always answer, "I love the Flip Diaper System."  I love that it's trim, affordable, and best of adjustable from 8-35 pounds (which adds to it's affordability!).  Imagine my excitement when this package landed on my doorstep! When I first started cloth diapering many, many years ago, one of the downsides was the bulk.  I can remember that my mom hated holding my babies because their rear ends seemed so disproportionate to the rest of…
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Xbox and Gaming Safety for your Child | #gamer #xbox

The Xbox is an ideal tool to serve a parent in his or her capacity to entertain and educate a child. But let’s face it, as effective as this form of multimedia entertainment is, if not managed correctly , overseen or handled with vigilance, an Xbox can be a gateway to a world fraught with strangers, online predators and gaming content not fit for your little one. But the purpose of this article is not to spell out a doom and gloom story, no, in fact the goal here is one of education, fun and your child’s wellbeing. Games like…
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4 Things to Educate Your Kids About Regarding Energy Usage

Although it has recently become a fad to reduce your carbon footprint, the practice of conserving energy has always been important. Like with many other subjects, the first step towards practicing good energy usage is to educate your children. By discussing concepts behind energy usage, your child can learn where energy comes from and why saving energy can help save our future and our planet. 1. Define Energy Image via flickr by One particular matter to tackle with your kids is the definition of energy and where it comes from. Quite simply, energy is the force needed to get something…
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Save on Baby Products with Walmart’s #EveryLittleStep Event

When I think of purchasing items for baby, the first thing that always comes to my mind is "How much is this going to cost me?" Not too long ago, I read about a family who hired a certified baby planner (Did you even know there is such a thing?  I didn't!), and because they trusted this person, they ended up spending a lot of money on products and furniture that was useless because it was their first baby and they had no idea what they would need or not need!  Not only did they buy a lot of useless…
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Tips to keep your kids safe online! #GrowingUpOnline Lorax DVD/BluRay #Giveaway

How did YOU teach your children to surf the web safely? Check out the Growing Up Online eBook that The More You Know Learning Series and NBC News has launched. It's a FREE eBook for parents to keep their kids safe on the Internet! Our kids have never known a world without the Internet. They’re spending more and more time on the web, so teaching them about using technology responsibly and safely is critical. Use the #GrowingUpOnline Blog App and take the quiz to see if your child is ready to safely surf the web! Download the FREE Growing Up…
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Got some cheap geeky shirts for Jett’s birthday! | Zulily Deals

I got an email from Zulily yesterday, that they were having a 15% special event on top of my $ credit! since Jett's birthday is coming up soon, I went shopping! I like that pretty much everytime I go to Zulily, they have geeky shirts for the kids. See how much I actually spent on all of this stuff? subtotal $ shipping $ tax $ discounts -$ store credit -$ total $ You are saving $ Check out the adorable shirts I got him!   And I also got for Jett!  I've got to keep him out of the fridge,…
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Weight Loss is Easy – Blake Sylvia’s Weight Loss Program | #weightloss

Just about two months ago, I noticed that a lot of my local Facebook friends started liking a Facebook page about weight loss.  I figured that the person behind the page had to be someone local, because it wasn't rocket science to realize that the majority of the people I saw liking the page didn't really have a weight problem. I decided to follow suit and like the page as well. It wasn't until a couple of days later, when my mom brought over a book called "Weight Loss is Easy - How I Conquered 40 Years of Obesity" that I decided that it was time to look into this guy…
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Oreos are out of control! | Different Kinds of Oreos

This weekend, we went to Walmart to go grocery shopping.  Now, I know that a lot of people boycott Walmart, but in our neck of the woods, our options are limited!  I also know that these aren't good for or so save it! As we went down the cookie aisle, I noticed that the Oreos section was HUGE!!  What happened to just having the option Oreos and Double Stuf Oreos. This is what we saw: I can remember when you'd say, "Grab me some Oreos, please," there was no guesswork.  You just grabbed a bag of Oreos. Now, there are…
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