– No Boys Allowed!
is THE place to be! Don't you just long for a place where you can go and chat with other moms, just like you, with no men around so you can be free to talk about anything? CafeMom is a great place to find groups with other women who are just like you. There is a group for just about every walk of life, every lifestyle, every advocacy, every parenting type, and every support group you could possibly imagine. I've been a member there for a LONG time! Are you looking for a cloth diapering group? Cuties with Cloth Booties…
How’s this for workout incentive? Fork out $10 for every day missed!
Gym-Pact: Enforced Fitness There comes a times, in all of our lives, that we just need some sort of incentive to work out and get healthy. Some people choose to purchase a new book or a new pair of jeans when they hit a goal, or they may even treat themselves to a day at the spa! Last night, I was helping out my friends Anne and Scott, when Scott mentioned a very rare workout enforcement program. I asked him to email it to me, because I totally had to share the information! (more…)
Tropical Traditions Virgin Red Palm Oil Review and #Giveaway – Plus Recipe!
Congratulations! Your Winner (confirmed) Author: Julie M Comment: I like 50in8 on facebook Tropical Traditions Organic Red Virgin Palm Oil I'm not sure if I just wasn't paying attention to the "Red" part, or if I'm just not as smart as I think I am, but when the Tropical Traditions Virgin Red Palm Oil arrived at my house, I was shocked to see that it was bright orange. You know, one of the great things about nature is that it is chock full of beautiful colors without the need for dyes and augmentation. However, in its natural state, palm oil…
Baby Swinging Yoga? It’s real, but its disturbing!
I just don't know what to say? This video has been confirmed REAL, but YouTube pulled it because it was "shocking and disturbing". I have to agree. I can just see someone trying this at home, all in the name of "not only is it safe, but it's good for the baby" and the unthinkable happening. Poor poor baby. Video Source: The Mommy Files
Vital Juice Free Daily Fitness Emails
Vital Juice is a free daily email that gives one great tip a day in fitness nutrition, diet, beauty and wellness. If you're anything like me, you need constant reminders to get up and move! With articles like Workout of the Month: Couch Potato Quickie, you will be on your way to health, wellness, and fitness in no time! Sign up for Vital Juice, and check your inbox daily for great health and fitness info!
Big Bible Town Review – Online Bible Adventure Game for Kids
As a homeschooling mom, one of the ways that I have learned to keep my sanity during the day with a 3 and a 6 year old both fighting for my attention is to utilize the technology we have in our home. We try to take advantage of online and computer based activities as often as we can. The kids really enjoy it, and it gives me a little time to escape to the bathroom or do laundry! I recently ran across the CEO of Third Day Games, Bobby Wells, on Twitter, and he asked me if I would like to review…
Free Fitness App for Android Devices
Most reviews we see out there these days are for the iPhone, but today, I've found a great FREE Fitness Tracker App for the Droid. Free Fitness Tracker allows you to plan and track your workouts all from your Android device. Workout Recording and Tracking Record your workout activities, including sets, reps and weights used for specific muscles and muscle groups, and view your results over time. Track Weight and Inches Lost Seeing changes in your body measurements, such as weight and inches, can be a powerful motivator to help you keep up or pump up your fitness routine! Once you download…
Teaching Mindfulness: You Are Not Your Thoughts
I thought I'd share this book I ran across this morning. It's called You Are Not Your Thoughts, and it teaches children (and parents) how to be mindful of their surroundings and other people. 'You Are Not Your Thoughts' was written to help children and parents become more aware of the present moment and to foster an environment of compassion and loving-kindness between all human beings. Mindfulness has nothing to do with politics; it is not a religion or a theory. Mindfulness is a way of living each moment in a way that expresses kindness and respect for all. I think, as…
Daycare for sick kids. Reread that.
I ran across this article earlier that caught my eye. Yeah, I know, I said I wasn't going to look at the local news sites, because they drive me batty, but I was looking for a PR contact and this was the main thing I saw. Headline: Day care for sick kids brings relief to working parents Of course, I HAD to look, wouldn't you? At first, I was thinking it was going to be a regular daycare, but when I read the article, I found out that it's more like a clinic full of nurses. What about relief for…
Grab your Free Kashi!
Don't forget to grab your Free Kashi! Choose from hot cereal, cold cereal, or chewy bars. (Details apply!) We purchased a box of this a while back, and when we go grocery shopping, this is the first cereal Andy (my husband) puts in the basket! You can't beat Free Kashi!