May the Fourth Be With You… at Bloggers Gone Coastal! #brandcation 5/4-5/6
Ok, so, May the Fourth, be with ME - in Florida! There are still 8 spots open for Brandcation this year! We are headed to the beautiful coast of Pensacola, Florida, and it would be fantastic to see you there! Brandcation: Bloggers Gone Coastal Friday, May 4, 2012 at 1:00 PM - Sunday, May 6, 2012 at 3:00 PM (ET) Pensacola Beach, FL In July of 2010, we kicked off Brandcation with Bloggers on Bourbon! Lori, from My Kinda Rain and I drove from Houston to New Orleans, where we met up with friends we knew locally as well as those…
Top 5 Musts: Gatorland, Orlando – Kissimmee Florida
For a lot of my new blogger friends, the Brandcation event was all about stepping out of their comfort zones and talking a walk on their adventurous side. For me, almost everything we did was right up my alley! I had the best time. I was in my element, and it was great to be so comfortable in what was going on around me, even though my family was states away! Right now, I want you to get out your calendar, whether it's on your phone, fridge, wall, or computer, and I want you to pick a date. That's the…
Brandcation: The Arabian Nights Experience
Many Thanks One of the big events planned for us while we were at the Brandcation Blogging Event in Kissimmee, Florida was a trip to a unique dinner theater arena and beautiful horse show - Arabian Nights. From the Website There is something for everyone at Arabian Nights Dinner Attraction in Orlando, FL. From the moment guests enter the magnificent Palace of Horses, they are treated to a variety of entertainment that appeals to all ages. When we first walked in, we were able to take a group photo, and then move onto the preshow! The cool thing about…
Brandcation: Ziplines and Murder Mysteries!
What do ziplines and murder mysteries have in common??? BRANDCATION! ORLANDO, FLORIDA!! I had a BLAST yesterday at Florida EcoSafaris and Sleuth's Mystery Dinner Theater! There will be pictures and more information to come, but I just wanted to check in and let you all know that I am having a wonderful time, and it's sooo fun being a blogger! I do have video from the zipline. Some of my friends conquered HUGE fears, and it was very humbling and liberating at the same time to be there to see. We could not have asked for better guides, and the…
Brandcation: Say it with me… I’m an Adventurous Blogger.
Four months ago, there was no way anyone in the world that anyone could tell me that I'd be going to Kissimmee, Florida for the first in for a blogging event. To me, the name Kissimmee = MLB Spring Training. I always thought that my first time going to Kissimmee would be to watch Astros Spring Training because it's something I've wanted to do since I was a little girl. I'm in for a different kind of training! This time, I'll be getting in touch with my adventurous side! Remember when I went to New Orleans for Bloggers on Bourbon…