Five Adventure Based Apps that Kids Love | #apps #tech

With popular companies like Disney and Pixar releasing apps along with the rest of their merchandise, there are plenty of adventure and character based apps for kids to enjoy. Frozen Free Fall- Featuring a game that's like candy crush for kids with your favorite Frozen characters, it's no wonder kids love this app considering the success of both Frozen and Candy Crush. (Free in the App Store) Minion Rush- In this app, kids get the chance to become one of Gru's minions and go on a race to catch all the bananas while avoiding obstacles. Based on the successful Despicable…
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Ways to Get Your Kids Motivated | #parenting

Motivating kiddos to work, or to get anything done can be a huge challenge. Growing up my mom would always come up with the most ingenious ideas to get all of us working. One thing that never seems to fail when it comes to kids, is having a goal to work towards. Even if it's something small, such as homemade Popsicle for dessert, goals are a great way to get the kiddos to stop whining and start working. For example, if the yard or basement is in desperate need of cleaning this spring, one idea is to motivate kids is…
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Spring has broken… Battle of the Numbers

Spring has broken, and we're already off to a great start in the Johnston household. The boys are having a battle of the numbers, this morning, for some reason. Hawk: Count to 100 by 10's. Brax: Count to 400 by 2's. Hawk: Count to 400 by 6's. () Hawk: I did it 155 times. Brax: I did it 100% of the time. Hawk: I did it infinity. Well played, Hawk.  Well played.
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Mispronounced words my kids say that I do not correct…

"Aren't you going to correct him?" I'm sure, at one point or another, we've all been asked this question.  When you're sitting at a restaurant, and the waitress asks your 4 year old what he would like, and he replies "sal-ars", you're forced to make that on-the-spot-decision: do I correct him, or do I tell her what he meant? To me, there's nothing cuter than toddler lingo.  Even Braxton, at 6 years old, has a few words up his sleeve that we don't correct! (more…)
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