Water Park Safety Tips for this Summer | #safety #summerfun

Water parks are a fun activity for any summer afternoon or weekend, but with the combination of small children and water, there are a few safety tips that you should have under your belt before heading out. Always pay attention to your kidlets- This is a no brainer for any parent during any situation, but it's especially important around water. Accidents are less likely to happen when you have a constant eye on your children. On a similar note, make sure they know to never swim alone. Recognize the signs of drowning- Unlike the movies, drowning won't be obvious. Your…
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Duracell Quantum Batteries and Heroes – Grab a tissue! | #MC #sponsored

Disclosure:  I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Duracell. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating. When you think of batteries, what is the first thing that comes to mind?  TV remote.  Xbox controllers.  Clock.  Flashlight.  These are some of the things that would have come to my mind prior to learning about Duracell Quantum Heroes. We use batteries in this house like there's no tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure if your family is similar to mine, you do as well. Today, and…
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Ways to Ensure Your College Student’s Safety Away From Home

Looking back, it seems like minutes and not years since you drove your children to their first days of school. Now, they're high school graduates and off to pursue their own goals and dreams. Your children may not be under your roof each night, but there are still ways to keep them safe without intruding on their privacy. Have Honest Discussions Image via Flickr by neeraj_sharma685 Some parents steer clear of sensitive topics like drugs, sex, alcohol, and other dangerous behaviors. Be open and honest with your children, and let them know you're aware of what they face today. Teach them…
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Car Seat Safety over Convenience | #carseat #safety #kids

If you've scrolled around Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest for any amount of time, you're likely to have seen it.  There is always someone who posts a photo of their child in a car seat, buckled in wrong, or not tight enough, or sitting funky, or not in a car seat at all.  Then it happens.  The post goes viral, the photo gets shared, screen printed, and ridiculed from here to eternity!  I like to call the mamas who jump on other mamas for not having their child properly restrained "car seat nazis".  And sometimes, I'm part of that crowd.…
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