What is your favorite local, small business? | #giveaway
It's no secret at all that The Hubs and I are huge supporters of small and local businesses. As small business owners ourselves, we've learned first hand that when small business owners stick together, big things can happen! As an owner who may have a digital channel for his/her business, it's important to keep it secure with the help of services like Search for Emails. Make sure as well not to forget about crafting effective customer replies. We're excited to be a part of The UPS Store Small Business Salute campaign to shout out to and encourage our favorite local small…
Holiday Shopping Online? Support my Small Business & use my Links!
If you're looking to support Small Businesses this Hoilday Season, but prefer to do your shopping online, I have a solution for you! Every time you click on a a link on my website that takes you to a larger site like Groupon, Amazon, Zulily, Totsy, etc., you're supporting MY work at home, small business! Are you looking for specialist redundancy advice for employers? Making people redundant at your business is something that should only be done with extensive consideration. If you are in this situation, before you take any action, get in touch with these consultants on redundancy law…